
谢皓 讲师、博士生导师
-研究方向贵金属纳米结构等离激元性质的调控及应用; 单颗粒暗场成像技术的应用
-联系方式[email protected]

1. Xie Hao, Yu Minghuai, Xing Ruiqing, Wang Cheng, Ye Weixiang, Parallel frequency-domain detection of molecular affinity kinetics by single nanoparticle plasmon sensors. Applied Physics Letters 2022, 121, 243703.

2. Xie Hao, Wang Kaiyu, Li Yue, Zhao Fei, Ye Yang, Ye Weixiang, Ni Weihai, Gold nanorod@ruthenium oxide core–shell heterostructures: synthesis, single-particle characterizations, and enhanced hot electron generation. Adv. Opt. Mater. 2021, 2002136.

3. Xie Hao, Xu Pengyu, Zhao Fei, Zhu Haifei, Wang Kaiyu, Ye Weixiang, Ni Weihai, Plasmonic thermochromism based on reversible redox of Ag+/Ag on Au nanorods, Nanoscale 2020, 12, 7301-7308.

4. Xu Zhenying, Xie Hao(共一), Ye Weixiang, Yang Yi, Ni Weihai. 4.9% Au stabilize Ag in atomically homogenous bimetallic alloy for anisotropic nanocrystals with enhanced stability under light irradiation, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 10335-10341.

5. Yang Yanhe, Xie Hao(共一), You Jian, Ye Weixiang. Revisiting the plasmon radiation damping of gold nanorods, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022,24, 4131-4135.