
李海霞 讲师,理学博士
-招生专业[email protected]

学术论文:共发表5篇,4篇sci,第一作者sci 2篇。

①.H. X. Li, Y. Zhang, S. G. He and X. Tong, Determination of geometric parameters of κ_z and κ_r of a linear Paul trap. Chin. J. Phys, 60, 61(2019).

②. H. X. Li, M. Li, Q. Y. Zhang and X. Tong, The secular motion frequencies of 9Be+ ions and 40Ca+ ions in bi-component Coulomb crystals. Chin. Phys. Letts, 36, 073701(2019).

③. L. J. Du, H. F. Song, H. X. Li, S.L. Chen, T. Chen, H.Y. Sun, Y. Huang, X. Tong, H. Guan and K. Gao, Determination of ion quantity by using low-temperature ion density theory and molecular dynamics simulation. Chin. Phys. B, 24, 113703(2015).

④. L. J. Du, T. Chen, H. F. Song, S. L. Chen, H. X. Li, Y. Huang, X. Tong, H. Guan and K. Gao, Compensating for excess micromotion of ion crystals. Chin. Phys. B, 24, 083702(2015).

⑤. 潘勇,李海霞,何胜国,童昕.分段线形离子阱中离子的囚禁及微运动补偿.量子电子学报. 35, 424(2018).