
蔡庆宇 教授、博士生导师
-联系方式[email protected]

【1】He, D., & Cai, Q. Y.* Wheeler-DeWitt equation rejects quantum effects of grown-up universes as a candidate for dark energy. Physics Letters B, 809, 135747 (2020).

【2】 He, D,  Gao,D, Cai, Q Y*,Spontaneous creation of the universe from nothing. Physical Review D 89 (8), 083510 (2014).

【3】Lu, H, Fung, CHF, Ma, X, & Cai Q Y*, Unconditional security proof of a deterministic quantum key distribution with a two-way quantum channel. Physical Review A 84 (4), 042344 (2011).

【4】Zhang, B., Cai, Q. Y.*, You, L., & Zhan, M. S.. Hidden messenger revealed in Hawking radiation: a resolution to the paradox of black hole information loss. Physics Letters B, 675(1), 98-101 (2009).

【5】Cai, Q. Y. The “Ping-Pong” Protocol Can Be Attacked without Eavesdropping. Physical Review Letters, 91(10), 109801 (2003).