
叶巍翔 教授、博士生导师

1. Ye, W.* (2023): Nonlocal Optical Response of Particle Plasmons in Single Gold Nanorods. Nano Letters, 23 (16), 7658-7664.

2. Ye, W.* (2023): Multiple Solution Solving in Plasmon Sensing by Deep Learning: Determination of Layer Refractive Index and Thickness in One Experiment: Comment. Optics Letters, 48(10), 2659-2659.

3. Xie, H.#, Yu, M.#, Xing, R., Wang, C.*, Ye, W. * (2022): Parallel Frequency-Domain Detection of Molecular Affinity Kinetics by Single Nanoparticle Plasmon Sensors. Applied Physics Letters, 121(24).

4. Wang, C.*, Wu, J., He, Y., Song, Z., Shi, S., Zhu, Y., Jia, Y.*, Ye, W.* (2020): Fully Solid-State Graphene Transistors with Striking Homogeneity and Sensitivity for the Practicalization of Single-Device Electronic Bioassays. Nano Letters, 20 (1), 166-175.

5. Ye, W. #, Goetz, M. #, Celiksoy, S., Tueting, L., Ratzke, C., Prasad, J., Ricken, J., Wegner, S. V., Ahijado-Guzman, R., Hugel, T.*, Soennichsen, C.* (2018): Conformational Dynamics of a Single Protein Monitored for 24 h at Video Rate. Nano Letters, 18 (10), 6633-6637.

6. Zhu, H., Xie, H., Yang, Y., Wang, K., Zhao, F., Ye, W.*, Ni, W.* (2020): Mapping Hot Electron Response of Individual Gold Nanocrystals on a TiO2 Photoanode. Nano Letters, 20 (4), 2423-2431.

7. Celiksoy, S.#, Ye, W.#, Wandner, K., Kaefer, K., Sonnichsen, C.* (2021): Intensity-Based Single Particle Plasmon Sensing. Nano Letters, 21(5), 2053–2058.

8. Ye, W., Celiksoy, S., Jakab, A., Khmelinskaia, A., Heermann, T., Raso, A., Wegner, S. V., Rivas, G., Schwille, P., Ahijado-Guzman, R.*, Soennichsen, C.* (2018): Plasmonic Nanosensors Reveal a Height Dependence of MinDE Protein Oscillations on Membrane Features. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140 (51), 17901-17906.

9. Zhang, M., Li, Z., Jia, Y.*, Wang, F., Tian, J., Zhang, C., Han, T., Xing, R., Ye, W.*, Wang, C*. (2022): Observing Mesoscopic Nucleic Acid Capacitance Effect and Mismatch Impact via Graphene Transistors. Small, 18(12).

10. Wang, C.*, Wang, F., Xie, Y., Xing, R., Jia, Y.*, Zhang, W., Zhang, B., Han, T., Ye, W.* (2022): Integrating Homogeneous Current-Saturation Graphene Transistors Into High-Linearity Amplifiers. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 69(5), 2698–2704.

11. Ye, W.*, Yu, M., Wang, F., Li, Y., Wang, C.* (2022): Multiplexed Detection of Heavy Metal Ions by Single Plasmonic Nanosensors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 196.